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Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Sack Ponting, he turned his cricketers
into wild dogs, says Roebuck of Oz

One of the most respected names in Australian cricket
circles today called for the sacking of captain Ricky Ponting
for turning "a group of professional cricketers into wild dogs"
and said it's a surprise why the Indians haven't gone home
yet since "there is no justice for them in this country, nor
any manners".
Writing in The Sydney Morning Herald, Peter Roebuck, who
commands respect Down Under, described the home side's
win "the ugliest performance put up by an Australian side for
20 years."
"If Cricket Australia cares a fig for the tattered reputation of
our national team in our national sport, it will not for a moment
longer tolerate the sort of arrogant and abrasive conduct seen
from the captain and his senior players over the past few days.
Beyond comparison it was the ugliest performance put up by an
Australian side for 20 years. The only surprising part of it is that
the Indians have not packed their bags and gone home. There
is no justice for them in this country, nor any manners," he wrote.
Roebuck also tore into other senior Australian players, writing, "
That the senior players in the Australian team are oblivious to the
fury they raised among many followers of the game in this country
and beyond merely confirms their own narrow and self-obsessed
viewpoint. Doubtless they were not exposed to the messages that
poured in from distressed enthusiasts aghast to see the scenes of
bad sportsmanship and triumphalism presented at the SCG during
and after the Test. Pained past players rang to express their disgust.
It was a wretched and ill-mannered display and not to be endured
from any side, let alone an international outfit representing a proud
sporting nation."
Pointing out that "Australia itself has been embarrassed" by the
behaviour of its players, Roebuck adds: "The notion that Ponting can
hereafter take the Australian team to India is preposterous. He has
shown not the slightest interest in the well-being of the game, not the
slightest sign of diplomatic skills, not a single mark of respect for his
accomplished and widely admired opponents."
Expressing support for Harbhajan, Roebuck, a former county captain,
writes: "Harbhajan Singh can be an irritating young man but he is head
of a family and responsible for raising nine people. And all the Australian
elders want to do is to hunt him from the game. Australian fieldsmen fire
insults from the corners of their mouths, an intemperate Sikh warrior
overreacts and his rudeness is seized upon. It might impress barrack room
lawyers." Roebuck writes: "In the past few days Ponting has presided over a
performance that dragged the game into the pits. He turned a group
of professional
cricketers into a pack of wild dogs. As much can be told from the conduct
of his closest allies in the team. As usual, Matthew Hayden crossed
himself upon reaching three figures in his commanding second innings,
a gesture he does not perform while wearing the colours of his state.
Exactly how he combines his faith with throwing his weight around on
the field has long bemused opposing sides, whose fondness for him ran
out a long time ago. Hayden has much better in him."
Slamming young Michael Clarke, who has been touted as a future captain,
Roebuck writes: "That his mind was in disarray could be told from his batting.
In the first innings he offered no shot to a straight ball and in the second he
remained at the crease after giving an easy catch to slip. On this evidence
Clarke cannot be promoted to the vice-captaincy of his country. It is a captain's
primary task to rear his younger players and to prepare his successor
for the ordeals of office. Nothing need be said about the catch Clarke took
in the second innings except that in the prevailing circumstances the umpires
were ill-advised to take anyone's word for anything."
Probably the worst aspect of the Australians' performance was their conduct
at the end, writes Roebuck. "When the last catch was taken they formed into a
huddle and started jumping up and down like teenagers at a rave" Not one player
so much as thought about shaking hands with the defeated and departing."
Finally, Roebuck sums up with another go at Ponting: "Ponting has not
provided the leadership expected from an Australian cricket captain and
so must be sacked. On this evidence the time has also come to thank
Hayden and Gilchrist for their services. None of them are bad fellows.
All will look back on this match not as their finest hour but their worst.
Obviously a new captain and side is required. But that is a task for another day.
It is possible to love a country and not its cricket team."

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